Thursday, January 9, 2020

Online vs Traditional Dating Essay - 745 Words

Online vs. Traditional dating Over the years and even decades the tradition of dating has changed drastically. We now have online dating which is one of technologies new advances. Although people may prefer to `the new aged tools of dating, there is differences and similarities between old fashion dating and online dating. Time plays a huge part with the two. In today’s society there is hardly any time to try to approach a stranger to ask for a date. Usually single people do not have the time to go out to social events and meet new people. The internet makes it an easy and non-stressful with meeting others. Dating sites help you gain access to hundreds of qualified singles in your area. You will be limited to choose from very limited†¦show more content†¦Money plays a large role with traditional dating. When going out with your partner, you want to make sure that she will enjoy herself. It puts pressure on the guy to go all out for the date, which makes him nervous and want to spend extra. One m ajor con of traditional dating is that you may invest a lot of time and money into a date, only to have a major disappointment. If you are worried about money and time, traditional dating may not be cheap. Dating is often a very stressful attempt; especially for someone that has not had the opportunity in a while. With online dating sites, they might feel more comfortable about putting themselves back on the market again. You are allowed to be in your own comfort zone, if that person is not use to single party life. Rejection can and may be felt; however, the chance of ever seeing the other person, or having to give a face-to-face explanation, is almost impossible. Traditional dating can be stressful depending on the person. Most traditional dating can be found awkward for most people. The traditional approach to dating with dinner or a movie can be nerve-racking, especially for a first date. When you go on a first date, you never know the right things to do or to say. People may b e nervous to the point where they ruin the date, because of their anxieties. A stress wall barrier is what most people build to keep strangers from getting too close too shortly.Show MoreRelatedOnline Dating vs. Traditional Dating Essay1062 Words   |  5 Pages Most singles date multiple people until they find their true love. However, the techniques of dating have changed with the use of the Internet. While many people prefer online dating to the tradition dating approach, is online dating a safe alternative to the traditional way of meeting potential romantic life partners? Online dating has become one the fastest growing alternative techniques of dating. 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