Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Legalization of Marijuana - 1545 Words

Government prohibition of marijuana is the subject of ongoing debate. Many have pursued the legalization of marijuana for a variety of reasons – some seek legal marijuana for personal use, while others hope to legalize in order to reduce our Nation’s debt. People argue over the moral implications of permitting the widespread recreational and medicinal use of a ‘schedule 1’ drug. Lately, there has been a great deal of focus on the monetary value in the form of taxation revenue with respect to the legal production and distribution of marijuana. The United States is in debt; currently we stand at a deficit of $12.6 trillion (http://zfacts.com/p/461.html). Our Nation’s leaders have been implementing many different strategies to boost our†¦show more content†¦The act also legitimized the term ‘marijuana’ as a label for both hemp and cannabis products. The act did not officially criminalize hemp, however, it made it increasingly difficult and painstaking to produce, requiring the grower to jump through numerous legal hoops before sowing any seed. Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC, is the psychoactive compound produced by both marijuana and hemp. Once heated, the compound activates and can then be inhaled or consumed. Once in the bloodstream, the THC flows the to the brain where it activates cannabinoid receptors. Within two to five minutes, the user will then begin to feel the ‘high’. Effects include euphoria, relaxation, increased libido, and an increased appreciation of music, art and humor. Also, cannabis increases appetite, which can aid those with little desire to eat. These affects have proven very remedial for medical patients suffering from cancer, for those undergoing chemotherapy, and for persons suffering from glaucoma (Wapedia.mobi). In fourteen states across America the use of medical marijuana has been legalized. People suffering from sleep-deprivation, constant migraines, post-operation pain, depression, nausea, and vomiting have found marijuana to be very helpful in diminishing their symptoms. In these states, patients can purchase a medical marijuana card ranging anywhere from $25-$100, and can then buy marijuana fromShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization1061 Words   |  5 PagesThe Legalization of Cannabis in Ohio Marijuana is a controversial topic all across the United States. Recently marijuana has been voted on, legalized, and denied legalization in multiple states. There are still more states trying to fight the green fight for marijuana. The fight for legalization hasn’t been an easy one for cannabis supporters; they have been fighting tooth and nail to make it happen. One of the main concerns in the marijuana debates are whether or not marijuana is a gateway drugRead MoreLegalization Of Marijuana And Marijuana1633 Words   |  7 PagesBalyuk March 8, 2016 Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana has a few different names that are commonly used in today’s society including weed and cannabis. Weed is smoked with joints, bongs, or pipes. Marijuana can also be mixed with foods usually brownies, cookies, and candy which are called edibles. The main chemical responsible for the high feeling is called THC but marijuana also contains over 500 chemicals. The chemical is found in resin produced by the leaves and buds. â€Å"Marijuana is the most commonlyRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization Essay2566 Words   |  11 Pagescurrent prohibition on marijuana reforms has put the United States in a similar situation. Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, â€Å"95 million Americans age 12 and older have tried pot at least once, and three out of every four illicit-drug users reported using marijuana within the previous 30 days† (ONDCP). The decriminalization and eve ntually legalization for the recreational use of marijuana will bring forth benefitsRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization1282 Words   |  6 Pages On November 8th, 2016, the California Marijuana Legalization Initiative may be included on the ballot. The people of California will vote on whether to legalize the recreational use of cannabis for adults. The move targets at regulating the consumption of the drug and taxing it like other legalized drugs. California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996 (National Institute of Drug Abuse). The state prohibited any legal actions from being taken on patients and recognized caregiversRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana And Marijuana Essay1314 Words   |  6 PagesMarijuana or Cannabis is one of the bused drugs in America and the rest of the world. Interesting accumulating evidence show that the significant negative impact of this drug outweighs the positive effects. However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as compared to the drug itself. Medical debates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the problem as compared to the plant. The said chemical compound affects the mental and physical health of the personsRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization1660 Words   |  7 PagesKyler Smith 9/15 â€Å"Marijuana Legalization† The legality of cannabis varies from country to country. Possession of cannabis is illegal in most countries and has been since the beginning of widespread cannabis prohibition in the late 1930s. However, possession of the drug in small quantities had been decriminalized in many countries and sub-national entities in several parts of the world. Furthermore, possession is legal or effectively legal in the Netherlands, Uruguay, and in the US states of ColoradoRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization996 Words   |  4 Pages the monetary gain of its legalization for most has been productive to say the least. For example, Denver Colorado is on track to more than triple the marijuana tax revenue this year alone. $44 million was collected in 2014. In July 2015, 73.5 million was collected, while 19.6 million went to schools. A place such as Chicago could really use the legalization to help with the school system infrastructure issues they have. With a deficit of over 1.1 bi llion marijuana sales could alleviate bothRead MoreLegalization of Marijuana1550 Words   |  7 PagesLegalization of Marijuana: Benefits and Statistics The topic of legalizing marijuana has been a topic of controversy for quite some time now not only throughout our local streets, but throughout the local and into the state government. The legalization of marijuana is such a controversial topic because some are for it and some are against it. People are for the legalization because of the great uses it has towards medicine, the money that could come from the taxation of legalized marijuana, andRead MoreLegalization of Marijuana972 Words   |  4 PagesOn January 1st the states of Colorado and Washington officially began the regulation of legal marijuana sales. Thousands of people from all over the country including tourists from Wisconsin, Ohio, Chicago, and even Georgia lined up out front of dispensaries to make a purchase. Recreational marijuana is being regulated and monitored like alcohol; you must be at least 21 years old to make a purchase. The drug, which is controversial in many states’ legislations, is currently l egal for medical useRead MoreMarijuana Legalization1212 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana Legalization COMP 1500 April 20th, 2009 Word Count: 807 Outline I. Introduction Thesis Statement: Although America is the land of the free you do not really have  too many  free choices you can make. Americans  should have  the right to  choose whether or not  marijuana should be legal. II. Background III. The tax benefits that can be created A. If legalized they can tax it how ever much they want B. Can be regulated IV. Drug enforcement money can be diverted

Monday, December 16, 2019

Education in the Twisted Military School Free Essays

Not many of the boys who enter the Carolina Military Institute as freshmen leave the school as graduates. Set in South Carolina, this is a story seen through the eyes of Will McLean, a sensitive, yet rebellious young boy, who aspires to be an â€Å"institiute man†. He is an intelligent, honest, sarcastic and incredibly funny Irish, working class youth who doesn’t hide from the truth or his fears. We will write a custom essay sample on Education in the Twisted Military School or any similar topic only for you Order Now Secondary characters Dante Pignetti, Mark Santoro, and Tradd St. Croix, come into Will’s life as he studies at the institute. Tradd is a fragile young man who chooses military training to please his father. He is sensitive, loyal, and caring. Pig and Mark are the â€Å"big men† of the group. Will considers them his protectors because of their size and sense of loyality. 0n the surface, the institute apppears to be just another military school engaged in training fine southern men to defend the country during the Vietnam War. But behind the clean walls of the school and the stern faces of the upperclassmen is a horrifying secret. The Lords Of Dicipline is a book about four young men, Will, Pig, Mark and Tradd, who are trying to recieve an education in this twisted military school. It’s a school where â€Å"the system† rules instead of the teachers. The â€Å"system† is run by upperclassmen, obsessed with upholding the school’s reputation for turning out the finest men the country has to offer to the war. Will watches as the boys in his class are dismantled and reassembled to become military men. He watches as boys are tortured because of their differences, as they are run out of the school, and even as they are driven to the threshold of sucide. The instutite seems to change everyone who remains there. It seems to harden them, to turn them into the very men they feared as freshmen. Will fears that he too will be corrupt by the brutality that surrounds him. When Will, Tradd, Pig, and Mark discover that there is a secret oragnization called â€Å"The Ten† that upholds and enforces â€Å"The system† Will becomes determined to expose them and bring to justice the students who were their victims. The Lords of Discipline is a wonderfully chilling and realistic book with believable characters and a great story line. It strtesses the fact that one way of thinking isn’t always the right way and if you feel that something is wrong, you should stand up for what you believe in. I really liked this book and I reccomend it to everyone. How to cite Education in the Twisted Military School, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Retrenchment Trade Union and Good Practice Note free essay sample

Good Practice Note I August 2005 | Number 4 Managing Retrenchment W hether it is the pursuit of new markets or the desire to improve performance or productivity, companies must periodically review and adjust their business plans and processes. The injection of new capital, changes in ownership, or changing economic circumstances can often lead to reorganization and restructuring within a company. It is not uncommon for Job losses to result, and in some cases it may be the only way for a company to move forward and thrive. Loss of employment may be caused by a range of factors from technological change to privatization to total closure of a orkplace. Good Practice Note No one single international definition or universally used terminology exists to categorize such Job losses. Terms used can include: retrenchment, redundancy, downsizing or lay-off. Throughout this Good Practice Note, we use the term retrenchment, which can cover a wide range of dismissals that do not essentially relate to the conduct or capability of the worker. These include Ð’Â » the closure of a plant, factory, mine, or other workplace, with the total or near-total loss of Jobs Ð’Â » Job losses arising from a reduction in staffing requirements due to efficiency gains or alling demand for the companys products or services Ð’Â » Job losses arising from a downsizing in operations or restructuring of the workforce following, for example, privatization. Retrenchment may sometimes be a necessary part of securing future employment for large sections of the workforce. However, the key to a good outcome lies in developing and implementing a retrenchment procedure that achieves the commercial aims of the process while minimizing the impact of Job losses on workers and communities. Such a procedure, often encapsulated in a retrenchment plan, should be founded on idespread consultation (particularly with workers and their representatives) and should seek to ensure that the selection of workers for dismissal is based on principles that are fair and transparent and do not discriminate against particular groups. During the course of the process, efforts should be made to reduce the number of Jobs that have to be lost and to mitigate the effects of the Job losses on individuals, groups, and communities. The aim of this Good Practice Note is to provide guidance to IFC clients and the wider private sector operating in emerging markets on how best to plan and manage significant Job losses. A well-managed process can help avoid a host of problems and result in better outcomes for the company, its employees, and the wider community. This note contains a range of good practice measures that can help companies think through the key issues, avoid common pitfalls and hidden problems, and design a comprehensive retrenchment plan. The development of such a plan is a requirement for IFC-financed investments where a significant number of Job losses is expected. Environment and Social Development Department Whats Inside? 2 The Case for Getting It Right 2 Key Steps in Planning and Managing Retrenchment 5 Consultation Is Critical 7 National and Legal Requirements 8 IFC Requirements 10 Determining Selection Criteria 13 Non-Discrimination 15 Appeals and Grievances 16 Severance Pay 17 Beyond Compensation: Assisting Workers 20 Addressing Impacts on Communities 26 Preparing a Retrenchment Plan Page One Managing Retrenchment The Case for Getting It Right Morale and Productivity It is evident that retrenchment will have a substantial impact on the workers involved. However, the effect can be much more widespread. Those employees who are left behind and managers who deal with the retrenchment can be affected by the rocess, especially if it is badly handled or creates unnecessary conflict. A poorly executed retrenchment process can lead to loss of productivity, low morale, and decreasing economic performance. While it will always be difficult to maintain employee morale during a retrenchment exercise, there is likely to be a better response to a process that appears to be based on clear grounds that employees and their representatives can understand and contribute towards. electing a particular individual over another cannot be explained and Justified. Avoiding Misinformation Sound retrenchment practices should be as transparent as possible. A good communications strategy and clear information will both enable the consultation process to run smoothly and make it much more likely that employees, their representatives and other stakeholders will be able to come up with alternatives to job losses or indicate ways in which the effects of Job losses can be mitigated. Full and frank disclosure of information helps to avoid rumors and misinformation, which again can fuel low morale and lack of productivity in the workplace. A transparent process that engages key stakeholders early on decreases the likelihood of resistance to changes in the longer run. A poorly executed retrenchment process can lead to loss of productivity, low morale, and decreasing economic performance. Legal and Reputational Risks Every country has basic national rules for dealing with collective Job losses and reorganization. An important aspect ot developing and implementing a retrenchment plan is ensuring compliance with national laws and the terms of collective bargaining agreements. This not only ensures that the employer is doing the right thing, but also minimizes the legal risk arising from the retrenchment process. Minimizing risk is an important factor to bear in mind from both a financial and a reputational erspective. Key aspects in this regard include severance payments to individual employees and the nature of consultation carried out with trade unions and other stakeholders. Also important are the transparency and fairness of the selection criteria used to select employees for dismissal. A companys risk of being sued for discrimination, unfairness, or a range of other causes is much higher if the rationale behind Page Two Efficiency It is much easier for a company to manage a retrenchment program that has clear rules and boundaries than one that is open to subjective manipulation. If the process s fair and objective, challenges to the process are also much less likely. Key Steps in Planning and Managing Retrenchment Ensure Retrenchment Is Necessary One of the first questions to ask during any retrenchment process is whether there are alternatives to Job losses. Quite often, workers and their representatives will come up with alternative and innovative ways to deal with particular economic situations so that a large number of people will not lose their livelihood. It is always worth verifying whether the level of job loss proposed is necessary or whether there are alternative ways of achieving the changes sought. Look for Alternatives to Job Losses There are several instances where reducing the number of individuals directly employed by an organization seems to be the most obvious way to achieve necessary savings. However, further consideration and consultation may reveal that alternatives to Job losses might be possible. Options to consider include Ð’Â » a freeze on new hiring Ð’Â » enforcement of retirement ages Ð’Â » reduction in hours worked by existing staff Ð’Â » outsourcing of particular activities Ð’Â » an end to using agency and contract workers Ð’Â » internal transfers and redeployment Ð’Â » transfer of employees to third party rganizations Ð’Â » reduction in salaries Ð’Â » active performance management Ð’Â » staff involvement to find productivity gains. It is important to consider whether any of these alternatives is viable in the circumstances of each retrenchment exercise.