Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Legalization of Marijuana - 1545 Words

Government prohibition of marijuana is the subject of ongoing debate. Many have pursued the legalization of marijuana for a variety of reasons – some seek legal marijuana for personal use, while others hope to legalize in order to reduce our Nation’s debt. People argue over the moral implications of permitting the widespread recreational and medicinal use of a ‘schedule 1’ drug. Lately, there has been a great deal of focus on the monetary value in the form of taxation revenue with respect to the legal production and distribution of marijuana. The United States is in debt; currently we stand at a deficit of $12.6 trillion (http://zfacts.com/p/461.html). Our Nation’s leaders have been implementing many different strategies to boost our†¦show more content†¦The act also legitimized the term ‘marijuana’ as a label for both hemp and cannabis products. The act did not officially criminalize hemp, however, it made it increasingly difficult and painstaking to produce, requiring the grower to jump through numerous legal hoops before sowing any seed. Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC, is the psychoactive compound produced by both marijuana and hemp. Once heated, the compound activates and can then be inhaled or consumed. Once in the bloodstream, the THC flows the to the brain where it activates cannabinoid receptors. Within two to five minutes, the user will then begin to feel the ‘high’. Effects include euphoria, relaxation, increased libido, and an increased appreciation of music, art and humor. Also, cannabis increases appetite, which can aid those with little desire to eat. These affects have proven very remedial for medical patients suffering from cancer, for those undergoing chemotherapy, and for persons suffering from glaucoma (Wapedia.mobi). In fourteen states across America the use of medical marijuana has been legalized. People suffering from sleep-deprivation, constant migraines, post-operation pain, depression, nausea, and vomiting have found marijuana to be very helpful in diminishing their symptoms. In these states, patients can purchase a medical marijuana card ranging anywhere from $25-$100, and can then buy marijuana fromShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization1061 Words   |  5 PagesThe Legalization of Cannabis in Ohio Marijuana is a controversial topic all across the United States. Recently marijuana has been voted on, legalized, and denied legalization in multiple states. There are still more states trying to fight the green fight for marijuana. The fight for legalization hasn’t been an easy one for cannabis supporters; they have been fighting tooth and nail to make it happen. One of the main concerns in the marijuana debates are whether or not marijuana is a gateway drugRead MoreLegalization Of Marijuana And Marijuana1633 Words   |  7 PagesBalyuk March 8, 2016 Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana has a few different names that are commonly used in today’s society including weed and cannabis. Weed is smoked with joints, bongs, or pipes. Marijuana can also be mixed with foods usually brownies, cookies, and candy which are called edibles. The main chemical responsible for the high feeling is called THC but marijuana also contains over 500 chemicals. The chemical is found in resin produced by the leaves and buds. â€Å"Marijuana is the most commonlyRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization Essay2566 Words   |  11 Pagescurrent prohibition on marijuana reforms has put the United States in a similar situation. Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, â€Å"95 million Americans age 12 and older have tried pot at least once, and three out of every four illicit-drug users reported using marijuana within the previous 30 days† (ONDCP). The decriminalization and eve ntually legalization for the recreational use of marijuana will bring forth benefitsRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization1282 Words   |  6 Pages On November 8th, 2016, the California Marijuana Legalization Initiative may be included on the ballot. The people of California will vote on whether to legalize the recreational use of cannabis for adults. The move targets at regulating the consumption of the drug and taxing it like other legalized drugs. California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996 (National Institute of Drug Abuse). The state prohibited any legal actions from being taken on patients and recognized caregiversRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana And Marijuana Essay1314 Words   |  6 PagesMarijuana or Cannabis is one of the bused drugs in America and the rest of the world. Interesting accumulating evidence show that the significant negative impact of this drug outweighs the positive effects. However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as compared to the drug itself. Medical debates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the problem as compared to the plant. The said chemical compound affects the mental and physical health of the personsRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization1660 Words   |  7 PagesKyler Smith 9/15 â€Å"Marijuana Legalization† The legality of cannabis varies from country to country. Possession of cannabis is illegal in most countries and has been since the beginning of widespread cannabis prohibition in the late 1930s. However, possession of the drug in small quantities had been decriminalized in many countries and sub-national entities in several parts of the world. Furthermore, possession is legal or effectively legal in the Netherlands, Uruguay, and in the US states of ColoradoRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization996 Words   |  4 Pages the monetary gain of its legalization for most has been productive to say the least. For example, Denver Colorado is on track to more than triple the marijuana tax revenue this year alone. $44 million was collected in 2014. In July 2015, 73.5 million was collected, while 19.6 million went to schools. A place such as Chicago could really use the legalization to help with the school system infrastructure issues they have. With a deficit of over 1.1 bi llion marijuana sales could alleviate bothRead MoreLegalization of Marijuana1550 Words   |  7 PagesLegalization of Marijuana: Benefits and Statistics The topic of legalizing marijuana has been a topic of controversy for quite some time now not only throughout our local streets, but throughout the local and into the state government. The legalization of marijuana is such a controversial topic because some are for it and some are against it. People are for the legalization because of the great uses it has towards medicine, the money that could come from the taxation of legalized marijuana, andRead MoreLegalization of Marijuana972 Words   |  4 PagesOn January 1st the states of Colorado and Washington officially began the regulation of legal marijuana sales. Thousands of people from all over the country including tourists from Wisconsin, Ohio, Chicago, and even Georgia lined up out front of dispensaries to make a purchase. Recreational marijuana is being regulated and monitored like alcohol; you must be at least 21 years old to make a purchase. The drug, which is controversial in many states’ legislations, is currently l egal for medical useRead MoreMarijuana Legalization1212 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana Legalization COMP 1500 April 20th, 2009 Word Count: 807 Outline I. Introduction Thesis Statement: Although America is the land of the free you do not really have  too many  free choices you can make. Americans  should have  the right to  choose whether or not  marijuana should be legal. II. Background III. The tax benefits that can be created A. If legalized they can tax it how ever much they want B. Can be regulated IV. Drug enforcement money can be diverted

Monday, December 16, 2019

Education in the Twisted Military School Free Essays

Not many of the boys who enter the Carolina Military Institute as freshmen leave the school as graduates. Set in South Carolina, this is a story seen through the eyes of Will McLean, a sensitive, yet rebellious young boy, who aspires to be an â€Å"institiute man†. He is an intelligent, honest, sarcastic and incredibly funny Irish, working class youth who doesn’t hide from the truth or his fears. We will write a custom essay sample on Education in the Twisted Military School or any similar topic only for you Order Now Secondary characters Dante Pignetti, Mark Santoro, and Tradd St. Croix, come into Will’s life as he studies at the institute. Tradd is a fragile young man who chooses military training to please his father. He is sensitive, loyal, and caring. Pig and Mark are the â€Å"big men† of the group. Will considers them his protectors because of their size and sense of loyality. 0n the surface, the institute apppears to be just another military school engaged in training fine southern men to defend the country during the Vietnam War. But behind the clean walls of the school and the stern faces of the upperclassmen is a horrifying secret. The Lords Of Dicipline is a book about four young men, Will, Pig, Mark and Tradd, who are trying to recieve an education in this twisted military school. It’s a school where â€Å"the system† rules instead of the teachers. The â€Å"system† is run by upperclassmen, obsessed with upholding the school’s reputation for turning out the finest men the country has to offer to the war. Will watches as the boys in his class are dismantled and reassembled to become military men. He watches as boys are tortured because of their differences, as they are run out of the school, and even as they are driven to the threshold of sucide. The instutite seems to change everyone who remains there. It seems to harden them, to turn them into the very men they feared as freshmen. Will fears that he too will be corrupt by the brutality that surrounds him. When Will, Tradd, Pig, and Mark discover that there is a secret oragnization called â€Å"The Ten† that upholds and enforces â€Å"The system† Will becomes determined to expose them and bring to justice the students who were their victims. The Lords of Discipline is a wonderfully chilling and realistic book with believable characters and a great story line. It strtesses the fact that one way of thinking isn’t always the right way and if you feel that something is wrong, you should stand up for what you believe in. I really liked this book and I reccomend it to everyone. How to cite Education in the Twisted Military School, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Retrenchment Trade Union and Good Practice Note free essay sample

Good Practice Note I August 2005 | Number 4 Managing Retrenchment W hether it is the pursuit of new markets or the desire to improve performance or productivity, companies must periodically review and adjust their business plans and processes. The injection of new capital, changes in ownership, or changing economic circumstances can often lead to reorganization and restructuring within a company. It is not uncommon for Job losses to result, and in some cases it may be the only way for a company to move forward and thrive. Loss of employment may be caused by a range of factors from technological change to privatization to total closure of a orkplace. Good Practice Note No one single international definition or universally used terminology exists to categorize such Job losses. Terms used can include: retrenchment, redundancy, downsizing or lay-off. Throughout this Good Practice Note, we use the term retrenchment, which can cover a wide range of dismissals that do not essentially relate to the conduct or capability of the worker. These include Ð’Â » the closure of a plant, factory, mine, or other workplace, with the total or near-total loss of Jobs Ð’Â » Job losses arising from a reduction in staffing requirements due to efficiency gains or alling demand for the companys products or services Ð’Â » Job losses arising from a downsizing in operations or restructuring of the workforce following, for example, privatization. Retrenchment may sometimes be a necessary part of securing future employment for large sections of the workforce. However, the key to a good outcome lies in developing and implementing a retrenchment procedure that achieves the commercial aims of the process while minimizing the impact of Job losses on workers and communities. Such a procedure, often encapsulated in a retrenchment plan, should be founded on idespread consultation (particularly with workers and their representatives) and should seek to ensure that the selection of workers for dismissal is based on principles that are fair and transparent and do not discriminate against particular groups. During the course of the process, efforts should be made to reduce the number of Jobs that have to be lost and to mitigate the effects of the Job losses on individuals, groups, and communities. The aim of this Good Practice Note is to provide guidance to IFC clients and the wider private sector operating in emerging markets on how best to plan and manage significant Job losses. A well-managed process can help avoid a host of problems and result in better outcomes for the company, its employees, and the wider community. This note contains a range of good practice measures that can help companies think through the key issues, avoid common pitfalls and hidden problems, and design a comprehensive retrenchment plan. The development of such a plan is a requirement for IFC-financed investments where a significant number of Job losses is expected. Environment and Social Development Department Whats Inside? 2 The Case for Getting It Right 2 Key Steps in Planning and Managing Retrenchment 5 Consultation Is Critical 7 National and Legal Requirements 8 IFC Requirements 10 Determining Selection Criteria 13 Non-Discrimination 15 Appeals and Grievances 16 Severance Pay 17 Beyond Compensation: Assisting Workers 20 Addressing Impacts on Communities 26 Preparing a Retrenchment Plan Page One Managing Retrenchment The Case for Getting It Right Morale and Productivity It is evident that retrenchment will have a substantial impact on the workers involved. However, the effect can be much more widespread. Those employees who are left behind and managers who deal with the retrenchment can be affected by the rocess, especially if it is badly handled or creates unnecessary conflict. A poorly executed retrenchment process can lead to loss of productivity, low morale, and decreasing economic performance. While it will always be difficult to maintain employee morale during a retrenchment exercise, there is likely to be a better response to a process that appears to be based on clear grounds that employees and their representatives can understand and contribute towards. electing a particular individual over another cannot be explained and Justified. Avoiding Misinformation Sound retrenchment practices should be as transparent as possible. A good communications strategy and clear information will both enable the consultation process to run smoothly and make it much more likely that employees, their representatives and other stakeholders will be able to come up with alternatives to job losses or indicate ways in which the effects of Job losses can be mitigated. Full and frank disclosure of information helps to avoid rumors and misinformation, which again can fuel low morale and lack of productivity in the workplace. A transparent process that engages key stakeholders early on decreases the likelihood of resistance to changes in the longer run. A poorly executed retrenchment process can lead to loss of productivity, low morale, and decreasing economic performance. Legal and Reputational Risks Every country has basic national rules for dealing with collective Job losses and reorganization. An important aspect ot developing and implementing a retrenchment plan is ensuring compliance with national laws and the terms of collective bargaining agreements. This not only ensures that the employer is doing the right thing, but also minimizes the legal risk arising from the retrenchment process. Minimizing risk is an important factor to bear in mind from both a financial and a reputational erspective. Key aspects in this regard include severance payments to individual employees and the nature of consultation carried out with trade unions and other stakeholders. Also important are the transparency and fairness of the selection criteria used to select employees for dismissal. A companys risk of being sued for discrimination, unfairness, or a range of other causes is much higher if the rationale behind Page Two Efficiency It is much easier for a company to manage a retrenchment program that has clear rules and boundaries than one that is open to subjective manipulation. If the process s fair and objective, challenges to the process are also much less likely. Key Steps in Planning and Managing Retrenchment Ensure Retrenchment Is Necessary One of the first questions to ask during any retrenchment process is whether there are alternatives to Job losses. Quite often, workers and their representatives will come up with alternative and innovative ways to deal with particular economic situations so that a large number of people will not lose their livelihood. It is always worth verifying whether the level of job loss proposed is necessary or whether there are alternative ways of achieving the changes sought. Look for Alternatives to Job Losses There are several instances where reducing the number of individuals directly employed by an organization seems to be the most obvious way to achieve necessary savings. However, further consideration and consultation may reveal that alternatives to Job losses might be possible. Options to consider include Ð’Â » a freeze on new hiring Ð’Â » enforcement of retirement ages Ð’Â » reduction in hours worked by existing staff Ð’Â » outsourcing of particular activities Ð’Â » an end to using agency and contract workers Ð’Â » internal transfers and redeployment Ð’Â » transfer of employees to third party rganizations Ð’Â » reduction in salaries Ð’Â » active performance management Ð’Â » staff involvement to find productivity gains. It is important to consider whether any of these alternatives is viable in the circumstances of each retrenchment exercise.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Water Resources free essay sample

But what happens if mankind doesn’t do anything about this and lets the situation escalate. How can we solve this problem, and what can we do to use less water? Many years of research shows us that a human needs 50 liters of water a day to do everything: Cook, wash, drink, †¦ The average American uses 329 liter water a day and a European uses 122 liter water a day, while in some parts of Africa and Asia they only use 20 liters a day per person. The water crisis has a great impact on the world. And the main problem is that there is too much contaminated and not safe water. People get sick or ie because of this. But also animals and food need clean water! Everything is linked to water. According to the article by Peter Gleick , â€Å"†¦more than one billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation† But how can we conserve and protect our water supply? Water conservation is a big thing, but if everyone does a little bit, at the end the result will be worth working for. We will write a custom essay sample on Water Resources or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We all have to make a change in the way we live which will change the course of our water and it’s quality. It is a way of life, not something that you do for once and than never think about it again. Water conservation means that you have to use water in a wise and responsible way. Since we all depend on water, we have to take responsibility to learn how to conserve water and how we have to keep it clean for ourselves and the next generation. Water conservation is not a job that is just for the technician, soil scientist, hydrologist, forester, wildlife manager, plant scientist, city planner, park manager, farmer, rancher, or mine owner alone. It is a job for the every day person who just likes to have access to the life sustaining resource of water. The world’s water supply is not endless. This means we have to start to take responsibility for it. Ninety-seven percent of all the water on earth is salt water, which we cannot drink. The other three percent of the water is fresh water, only one percent of that is suitable for drinking. The other 2 percent are ice caps and glaciers. But the problem with ice caps and glaciers is that they float in the sea, which is salt water. With 7 billion people all over the world, we have to live of the one percent of water that is available.. Since water is the foundation of food and life, we cannot live without water. Saving water now makes us preserve our environment. Because we don’t save our water and waste it, less-developed countries hardly have enough water to survive. â€Å"†¦the average family in Sydney, Australia uses more than 1000 liters of water a day compares to 300 to 400 liters for an American, while some less-developed countries barely exceed a few liters a day. † Out of scientific research we can conclude that only 55% of all the water that is produced is really used. Which means that 45% of our water is wasted, vaporized or drained away. As stated in an article in State of the Planet by Peter Glick, â€Å"The most serious unresolved water problem is the continued failure to meet the basic human need for water. † This underscores the fact that there is not going to be water forever if we don’t start doing something about it. It means that parts of the world could run out of water in less than 30 years from now. As futile as it sounds, it is only a matter of time. There are several causes for all the water that goes to waste. According to an article in Business Credit the three main reasons are: distribution, pollution and the expansion of drought and floods. Globally water distribution is not the same everywhere. There are many places who are in need of water but don’t get it. And in the areas where there is enough water, they take it for granted. The second cause, pollution, affects almost the whole world, but it is the worst in the underdeveloped countries. Some countries and villages in particular sometimes have to drink, bath and wash from the same water. , often coming from rivers. These rivers may consist of animal waste from farms or other houses. Who knows how contaminated the water is. The third and major issue is droughts and floods. Some of the droughts are already under control of mankind, but some of them aren’t. It depends on how much rain there will be and how the climate changes. Research shows us that in areas where the average temperature is normally low, they now experience higher temperatures. There are some places where the rivers were flooding, while now, 30 years later they cannot even put their boats in the river because the water level is too low. The leading reason of water waste is irrigation. 70% of the water use goes to irrigation, 20% to industry and the remaining 10% is used for residential purposes.. Lester Brown who is an American environmental analyst describes the growing problem. â€Å"Globally, demand for water had triples over the last half century, millions of irrigation wells have been drilled, pushing water withdrawals beyond recharge rates. † In conclusion we have to realize that we cannot waste any more water today so that we will still have water in the future for us and for the next generation. We have to think about how the next generation will not have enough water if we don’t start saving water today! There are several things that we can do to preserve and conserve water. It takes a little bit of time every day, but in the end everyone helped for a better world. We have to save the water now we still can. But in my opinion the governments also have to change things. It is a global issue, which has to concern everyone because it will affect every one of us. Water is one our planets greatest recourse and we have to conserve and respect this. If we want that our children, the next generation and ourselves have enough water to survive, we should start working on this today. Water is the source of life! Cossi, Olga. Water Wars: The Fight to Control and Conserve Nature’s Most Precious Resource. New York: Simon amp; Schuster Childrens, 1993. Gleick, Peter H. Thirsty word: Desperate quest for water. Excerpt from What Matters: The Worlds Preeminent Photojournalists and Thinkers Depict Essential Issues of Our Time. 20 Oct. 2008. CNN. com. 12 Feb. 2009 . Gleick, Peter H. Water in Crisis: Paths to Sustainable Water Use. Ecological Applications 8 (1998): 571-79. Globalwater. org. Water Management, Water Scarcity Solutions in Rural Areas: lt;http://www. globalwater. org/background. tm. gt; Accessed March 26, 2009. Hoekstra, Arjen and Ashok K. Chapagain. â€Å"Globalization of Water: Sharing the Planet’s Freshwater Resources. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing, 2008. READING AND RESEARCH JOURNAL Name: Catharina Monstrey Topic: Water | Date | Reading source done in APA end of text referencing style! | Summary of key relative points | Week | | | 16/04| Cossi, Olga. Water Wars: The Fight to Control and Conserve Nature’s Most Precious Resource| Water is our most precious resource| | | We have to save| | | | Week | | | 18/04| Gleick, Peter H. Thirsty word: Desperate quest for water. | What can we do | | | What is the cause| | | | Week | | | 20/04| Gleick, Peter H. Water in Crisis| We have to start saving| | | It is becoming dramatic| | | | | Date | Reading source done in APA end of text referencing style! | Summary of key relative points | Week | | | 03/05| Hoekstra, Arjen and Ashok K. Chapagain. â€Å"Globalization of Water: Sharing the Planet’s Freshwater Resources. | We have to do something| | | What can we do| | | | This statement must appear on the first page and be signed: â€Å"I confirm that this work is my own. Additionally, I confirm that no part of this coursework, except where clearly quoted and referenced, has been copied from material belonging to any other person e. g. from a book, handout, another student. I am aware that it is a breach of GIHE regulations to copy the work of another without clear acknowledgement and that attempting to do so renders me liable to disciplinary procedures. To this effect, I have uploaded my work onto Turnitin and have ensured that I have made any relevant corrections to my work prior to submission. _________________________________________ Writer’s signature [ 1 ]. (60). Gleick, Peter H.. Water in crisis: a guide to the worlds fresh water resources. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. Print. [ 2 ]. Dalgleish, Sharon. Saving water. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2003. Print. [ 3 ]. Brown, Lester Russell, Christopher Flavin, and Sandra Postel. Saving the planet: how to shape an environmentally sustainable global economy. New York: W. W. Norton, 1991. Print.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Why Are Recommendations Important to YourCollegeApplication

Why Are Recommendations Important to YourCollegeApplication SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Many colleges use a holistic process to evaluate applicants, seeking to understand the "whole person" and not solely rely on grades and test scores. One way they accomplish thisis by readingrecommendation letters from teachers and counselors. This guide will discuss what exactly admissions officers are looking for in your recommendation letters, and why they’re so important to your overall candidacy. By understanding the purpose of rec letters, you’ll be in a better position to gather strong ones for your application. To begin, let’s take a closer look at what admissions officers mean when they talk about using a holistic admissions process. What’s a Holistic Application Process? More and more students apply to college each year. At many schools, especially selective ones, there’s a surplus of qualified students for a limited number of available spots. Because so many students are qualified in terms of their grades and test scores, admissions officers can’t rely entirely on this objective criteria. Instead, they use a holistic process to get to know the whole student, including her personality, values, and goals. This awareness helps them determine who to accept, plus it allows them to build a diverse class of students with a variety of interests, experiences, and goals. For these reasons, admissions officers seek to get to know each student, from what motivates her to what role she might play on a college campus. They gain insight from the student directly, but they also learn a lot from what school authoritieshave to say - specifically, from teachers and counselors in their letters of recommendation. Your recommendation letters can (and should) reveal a number of things about you. They should speak to your academic strengths and interests, your personal qualities, your role in your school community, and your potential direction in the future. Whether your recommenders talk about it explicitly or not, a positive letter also suggests your ability to get along with your teachers and others in your school. For admissions officers seeking to learn more about you, these letters offer a great deal of insight into who you are and how you’ll fit in and work with others at college. Plus, they lend support to the idea that you’ll contribute and add value to your college campus and society in the future. Let’s take a closer look at what specifically colleges look for in letters of rec and why, starting with your academics. Your Intellectual Strengths and Interests Recommendations serve as important testaments to your ability to do college-level work. Your teacher recommendations, especially, speak to your attitude towards learning, your accountability, and your academic interests. Admissions officers want to find students who will excel in the classroom. As institutions of scholarship and intellectualism, they seekengaged students who are eager to entertain new ideas and contribute to lively discussions. Beyond the classroom, professors and higher ed faculty look for students who will go on to create value in society. They want to train the next generation ofresearchers, writers, inventors, engineers, or entrepreneurs. They're looking for students who will make the world a better place and utilize their education to contribute to the world around them. Finding students with a strong stakein education, therefore, is an essential objective of admissions officers when they sit down to review recommendations. As Harvard’s dean William Fitzsimmons says, recommendation letters are â€Å"extremely important† and admissions officers are looking for letters that revealâ€Å"intellectual curiosity, creativity, and love of learning.† Sinceadmissions officers want to learn about your academic performance and goals in your rec letters, what can you do to get a good letter that speaks to these qualities? What This Means for You As you probably know, you should ask a teacher who you impressed in class with your commitment, effort, or interest in a subject. If you know what you plan to study, then it’s a good idea to ask a teacher in that field. Even if you just have a vague idea, like you’re drawn to the humanities or the sciences, then you may ask the relevant teacher to corroborate your affinity for that area. Most students ask their junior year teachers, since those teachers had you in class recently and for a whole year. Make sure the teacher you ask is happy to provide you with a recommendation, and let her know about any specific plans you have for study. Since admissions officers want to find students with a love of learning and commitment to their education, then ideally you have a teacher who recognizes those qualities in you and can express them in her letter. Having your teachers write about your academic prowess in your letter may be a no-brainer. It may be less obvious, though, that admissions officers want to learn about other innerqualities, like character and personality. They want to know what you're like and how you express yourself in your community. Why is gaining insight into your personal side important on your college application? Your Personal Qualities and Role In YourCommunity Why do admissions officers want to learn about your personal qualities? Isn’t it enough to know your grades and test scores? Well, no. I touched on some reasons why admissions officers want to get to know you above and will go into more detail about them here. For one thing, they want to get to know you to add depth to your application. There’s often a surplus of students with high grades and scores for a limited number of spots. Admissions officers need to use other factors to determine eligibility for admission. Additionally, they want to build a class of students with diverse personalities and experiences. Colleges are their own communities, and admissions officers want to admit students who will live, work, and play together harmoniously. They want students with strongcharacter, creativity, and/or leadership qualities who will contribute positively to the community. To refer to Dean Fitzsimmons again, he says, "Recommendations can help us to see well beyond test scores and grades and other credentials and can illuminate such personal qualities as character and leadership." Students may lead volunteer trips, organize community service, or provide social-emotional support for one another. They'll build friendships that will help them grow and mature. By selecting for strength of character and social skills like caring and compassion, admissions officers can create an environment that will function smoothly and maximize student learning and development. College is a busy and transformative time in your life, and admissions officers are seeking to build a community of students who will contribute meaningfully, take advantage of opportunities, and build positive relationships with one another. Knowing the importance of sharing your personal side in your rec letters, is there anything you can do to help out your recommenders as they write your letters? What This Means for You Just as you want to choose a recommender who you impressed in class, you also want to ask someone who knows you well. The only way your teachers and counselors can add depth to your application and write about you in a revealing and meaningful way is if they’ve gotten to know you. This doesn’t mean that they’ll know you as well or in the same way as your best friend, but they should have a goodsense of your personality and what’s important to you. If you're just going into junior year, then you should keep your future rec letters in mind. Push yourself to participate in class and share your personality with your teachers. If you haven't gotten to know your counselor, make an appointment to meet with her and talk about your college plans. You may also share a lot on your "brag sheet," but ideally your recommenders already know you well before reading your ideas. Apart from your day to day personality, how can you show others around you what's important to you? As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Think about what you value most - whether it's cleaning up the environment, working to reduce bullying, or creative expression. Then come up with steps to connect those values to your daily actions. Show your recommenders what's important to you by what you do and how you do it on a daily basis. Not only will this help them get to know you better, but they'll gatherplenty of stories and observations to share in their recommendation letters. Beyond promoting positive relationships among peers, admissions officers also want students who can work well with faculty and other higher ed administrators. Your rec letters can speak to how you work with others. Why is this important to admissions officers? How You Interact with Faculty and Others As you read above, recommendation letters can go a long way toward describing your academic and personal qualities. These features are important in your college application, as admissions officers are looking to build a motivated, successful class of students who will seize opportunities and go on to contribute to society during college and beyond. Since college is a highly collaborative and interactive environment, admissions officers also care about your relationships with others. Simply obtaining a strong rec letter stands by itself as a testament to your ability to get along well with faculty. Your recommenders will write about their impressions of and relationship with you. Admissions officers will gain a sense of how you actin classroom settings. They can try to ensurethat you'll establish productive relationships with professors and make the most of their teaching. Apart from the considerations talked about above, is there anything else you can do to ensure your letter talks about your ability to work well with faculty? What This Means for You Just as you want to ask a recommender who's gotten to know you well, you want someone with whom you had a positive and meaningful working relationship in class. Did your teacher see you as accountable and reliable? Did she consider you a pleasure to teach and see you as someone who appreciated her time? Just as these expectations are present in the high school setting, they're also important in the college setting. Keep in mind how you interacted with faculty when asking for letters of recommendation. It's important that admissions officers see you as a student worthy of investment who will establish productive relationships with professors and make the most of their valuable time. Admissions officers want to learn about you to gain a sense of the student that could arrive on campus. All of these elements add up to a vision of you in the future.Plus, your recommenders might explicitly write about what they see you accomplishing at college and beyond. Let's take a look at this last important feature of rec letters and why it matters to admissions officers. A Vision of You In the Future Taken collectively, all of these elements of rec letters provide a vision of your future direction. If your teacher writes about your love ofwriting, work on the school paper, and interest in international events, then admissions officers get the sense that you might work on the paper at college and perhaps, pursue a career in journalism. Further, if your teacher talks about your thoughtful and caring personality and engagement in class, then the admissions committee can feel confident that you'll get along well with your peers and professors. Why is this important? Again, admissions officers want to build a community of students who get along well and create an environment full of learning and opportunity. They want to make the most ofthe professors' time. They want to educate the next generation of leaders who will contribute meaningful ideas, innovations, and solutions to the world. As you can tell, your recommendation letters serve a very important purpose in your application. They can communicate a great deal about who you are as a student, colleague, and person. In closing, let's review the significant role of recommendations in your application and what you can do to help your teachers and counselors produce strong ones that will impress the college officials who read them. To Sum Up... Recommendation letters are an important part of your application. They communicate a lot of revealinginformation about you to admissions officers, who are looking for students with impressive academic, personal, and social skills who will succeed in college and beyond, in whatever way that's authentic to them. You may bethinking that a lot of this keypart of your application is out of your hands. However, you actually can have a lot of control over what your teachers and counselors write in your rec letters. For one thing, you can push yourself to participate and get to know your faculty throughout high school and especially junior year. Consider how you interact with teachers and communicate your personality and values to them, as all of this is important material for your letters. Once you actually ask for your letters, you can also talk to themabout what you plan to study and what qualities you'd like them to emphasize. If you're applying to study engineering, ask your physics teacher to highlight your skill in the subject. Finally, you can provide a detailed and thoughtful brag sheet in which you reflect on your identity and the significant experiences that have shaped who you are today. This brag sheet will help clarify both your thoughts and that of your recommenders. Plus, it will remind them of stories and examples they can include in their letters to make them stand out. Above all, your takeaway should be that recommendation letters are an important part of your application that can go a long way toward endorsing you to admissions officers. With that in mind, treat your letters of recommendation with as much care and thought as you willall the other parts of your college application! What's Next? Even though you can contribute your thoughts to what should go into your recommendation letters, you probably won't be able to read the final versions. Why? Because FERPA. Read here about why it's in your best interest to waive FERPA and your right to view your recommendation letters. Now that you have a sense of what admissions officers are looking for in recommendation letters, check out theseexamples of strong teacher letters of recommendation. Are you applying to a selective school, like Harvard? This guide goes over what makes for an outstanding letters of recommendation for the Ivy League. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Tip for Reusing a Turkey Thermometer

Tip for Reusing a Turkey Thermometer Did you know you could re-use the thermometer that comes with many frozen turkeys? It makes sense, when you think about it. Those thermometers contain a ball of metal and a spring. The thermometer is designed such that the metal will melt at the safe temperature for turkey meat (~180Â °F), releasing the spring and popping up the button. To reset the thermometer all you have to do is dip the tip of the thermometer in hot water (near-boiling will definitely work) to melt the metal. Push the button back down and remove the thermometer from the water, keeping the button depressed. Wait about a minute for the metal to cool, locking the spring back into place. There you go! If you dont cook turkey all that often, remember the thermometer is good for chicken or other poultry, too. Its much smaller than the typical meat thermometer and also much less likely to injure your hand if you go fishing around in a drawer for a thermometer that you rarely use. Youd need to cut open a turkey thermometer to confirm it is metal that holds the spring, as opposed to some polymer, but if is metal inside the thermometer, you should discard any thermometer with a damaged coating. Metals with low melting points tend to be toxic, after all. This also means that if you cut open your thermometer to examine its workings, you should use care and dispose of your experiment out of reach of children or pets.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Generating Theory from Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Generating Theory from Practice - Essay Example Wherein, Evidence based practice provides high quality patient care by the nurses based on research and knowledge, rather than on the basis of traditions, myths and outdated books among others. . These two practices frame an important part of the nursing theory and further help in the development of prevailing nursing theories. Nursing theory can be defined as â€Å"a logically interrelated set of confirmed hypotheses† (Brown, 1997). Furthermore, it has been discussed that to utilize the nursing theory effectively, it is necessary to derive a better understanding about the description, analysis and the evaluation of the theory. According to the aforesaid discussions, it can be stated that nursing theory must involve care for the patients to build up confidence in them. Furthermore, nurses must be well acquainted with medical ailments to deal with critical situation, whenever necessary. In this stand, these theories if implemented in future, it can assist patient and their fami lies to keep faith upon the medical department and to maintain a cooperative atmosphere for better results. â€Å"Reflective practice can be defined as the process of making sense of events, situations and actions that occur in the workplace† (Nursing Times Awards, 2013). ... mented to strengthen the shared thinking and can also be applied for the purpose of bringing alignment between various healthcare activities (Amulya, 2011). In case of Evidence-based practice, it inculcates, qualitative project, which mainly contributes to the other research initiatives. This paper intends to evaluate efficiencies of nursing theories. This paper will also critically analyze the Reflective Practice (RP) and the Evidence Based Practice (EBP), which is applied in the development of nursing theories. A proposition is a statement about a concept or the relation between two or more concepts. EBP is a quality assurance activity, which involves low cost and high relevance within medical context. It requires team involvement and collaborative actions (French, 1999). The RP is a dynamic process, which is associated with individuals need for care, which inculcates the emotional and personal feelings of the patients. Thus this assignment intends to evaluate the necessity of RP a nd EBP in the study of nursing. Discussion Nursing is a profession in health sectors which takes care of people to live a healthy and longer life. The ability of nursing to look after the need of the people depends on the way in which the nursing job is managed in health care systems (NHS Careers, 2012). It also depends on the way in which nursing practice is regulated and the quality care is assured. Thus to make the nursing study a clear concept, various practices have been introduced. This assignment mainly focuses on the two types of practices Reflective Practices (RP) and the Evidence Based Practice (EBP), which is required for the effectual development of the nursing theory. ‘Reflection on Practice’ signifies an important skill of the nurses. Nurses getting engage within the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

YouTube. Is YouTube a threat to the film industries or a democratic Essay

YouTube. Is YouTube a threat to the film industries or a democratic godsend to the masses - Essay Example Content available includes movie clips, video songs, TV shows and clips, video blogging, sports events, business management speech; user generated content and other types of video content (Miller, 2011). The company was acquired by Google in 2006 for 1.65 billion USD by Google. Only registered users are allowed to upload content and they can upload unlimited number of videos. Unregistered users can however view all types of barring movies flagged as premium. The viewership figures are very high. In 2010, more than 14 billion movies were viewed while 800 unique users visited the site every month. About 60 hours equivalent of new movies are uploaded to the site every minute (Anderson, et al, 2012). With such a large portfolio of movies and entertainment available, the statement that examined is ‘if YouTube is a threat to the film industries or a democratic godsend to people’. Thus, two issues will be examined and these are the threat to film industries and the advantages f or the masses. Various issues such as nature of content, partnerships formed with media houses, business model and other such issues are examined in detail. An analysis and discussion is then formed along with a conclusion. The position taken by the paper is that YouTube is not a competitor to media houses and the film industry but it acts as a channel partner and media outlet and that the masses use the services for learning new skills, entertainment, for advertisements and product demos. 1.1. Problems and issues faced by the film industry The film industry across the world is facing increasing competition, cannibalisation and parasitic behaviour by a number of entities. These include pirated and illegal CDs of movies that are sold for a few Pounds on the sidewalks and which are also available as illegal downloads. Then there are the satellite channels such as HBO, Star Movies and others that broadcast reruns of old movies by paying some amount to the movie production house. Then t here are websites such as NetFlix that offer legal movies on rent but the revenue earned by the film producer is less. The film industry makes profits mainly when patrons visit movie theatres (Jenkins, 2009). People tend to stay away from theatres since they can view movies through other legal and illegal channels. People will of course flock to the movie theatres to see hit films such as Avatar and the Harry Potter series but older movies see near empty houses. In such a case, a movie-sharing website such as YouTube that offers movies free viewing would be highly unwelcome since the website will further reduce the revenue (Lievrouw and Livingstone, 2012). The point is that the film industry would stand to suffer monetary loss and not loss of any reputation or identity theft since YouTube would not claim that a particular movie was filmed in-house. However, media houses are willing to consider services and offers that help them to obtain additional revenue. This issue is examined in the next section. 2. Analysis of YouTube Some important topics are first analysed with reference to the business model and content related topics. Observations from these discussions will be used in arguing for the statement. 2.1. Business Model Used The business model used by YouTube is advertisement revenue obtained from click through rates by users when they visit pages that host the movies. Advertisers pay a certain amount to the website to carry the Ads. It differs from the retail model of Netflix and Spotify in that it does not directly charge rentals for movies that are hosted. It is somewhat similar to Napster and Limewire but YouTube does not encourage illegal hosting of movies and it is not possible to download movies easily unless some special

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Editing Within Digital Filmmaking Essay Example for Free

Editing Within Digital Filmmaking Essay Lori Landay elucidates that in the present age of digital transformations, communications and storytelling, the saying of McLuhan that the medium is the message can be further said that the media is the mix. Digital forms of narrative are not only characterized by their mixed, hybrid forms and content, but by their recombinations. It is used to draw the spectator into the mix in many different ways. It is through the mixing of the different degrees of non-linearity and interactivity that digital narratives are able to form different kinds of digital spectatorship. She looks at three films and states that in different yet interconnected ways, these ways can tend to divert the spectator from the traditional ways of finding meaning to one’s narrative. Different modes are able to elicit different ways of storytelling and fresh ways of looking, thereby, editing scenes in the process. Source 2: Tsai, Tabitha and Czarnecki, Kelly . Digital filmmaking for the 21st century. Library Journal, 2/1/2008. Machinima Goes Mainstream. Article Retrieved June 9, 2008 http://journal. media-culture. org. au/0104/trans. php Machinima is a filmmaking genre that is used in order to shape video for the 21st century. It is a new term that is coined from the words machine and cinema and is a genre of filmmaking that was originally conceived by gamers in the 1990s. During the past years, machinima has gone more mainstream and creativity has been maximized to the limits. Machinima is filmmaking that is done within a real-time, 3-D kind of environment. Basically, machinima uses real-world filmmaking techniques within an interactive virtual environment where characters and events are controlled by humans, scripts, or artificial intelligence. The video games are the ones that provide the settings, props, costumes, and characters which are needed to be able to tell an original story. Filmmakers are able to capture actual footage as MTV Central and video games like Sims 2 have in-game recording options which help the filmmakers to capture footage. For this to be accessed, there is a need for a screen capture software program in order to import game environments where there are no built-in machinima tools. Remixing audio and video content is also among the newer gadgets available among budding machinimists. Source 3: Theodosakis, Nikos. How Digital Filmmaking Develops Higher-Order Thinking Skills. Article Retrieved June 9, 2008 at: http://www. vste. org/publications/journal/attach/vj_1602/vj_1602_08. pdf This article posits that in the classroom, the process of filmmaking entails that students must be able to imagine what they will need in order to come up with a movie. They need to develop a strategy that involves managerial skills such as planning, production and editing where they will start gathering a logical series of events. The author logical lays out what is entailed in the planning stage emphasizing that feature films are rarely shot in a sequential order in order to save time, money and effort. As part of editing, the scenes are grouped according to location or actors or even according to equipment availability. Analytical skills must also be present to a large measure so that during the editing process, one can see multiple takes of the same shots and multiple shots of the same scene and then decide which information best illustrates the message being set forth (Theodosakis). The author wants to point out that the goal of filmmaking in the classroom must be executed so that students will be able to experience these skills in preparation for the future use in their own worlds beyond the classroom.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Organizational Psychology :: Graduate Admissions Essays

Organizational Psychology The University of Tulsa prepares Industrial/Organizational psychologists to deal with individual problems in the workplace. This philosophy matches my research area of interest on the effects of individual differences in the work environment. I believe that individual differences influence nearly every aspect of human behavior and interaction, including those in the workplace. By necessity, a successful manager is one who understands the potential influences of individual differences in the work environment. As an example, the management style utilized (as I have learned first hand) must match the personalities of the employees being managed. By conducting research in this area, theory relevant to motivating individually diverse employees may be developed and then applied. Of particular interest is the motivation of aging employees. The elimination of a mandatory retirement age has greatly increased the need for further research in this area. My interest in the University of Tulsa is strengthened by the required practicum and field experience, as well as, excellent faculty and facilities. I intend to pursue a career in applied research and organizational consulting, therefore, these qualities are imperative to myself and my career. My career goals are to: (a) initially gain practical experience in the field through employment with a consulting firm, and (b) eventually acquire a teaching position with a college or university, while continuing research and consulting endeavors. It is my intention to contribute empirically based findings to the Industrial/Organizational psychology field through my research and practice. I also hope to be a strong influence and encouragement in students' lives through my contact with them during their academic careers. I have assisted Dr. Whitsett of the University of Northern Iowa psychology department in the writing of his book on merging companies with different organizational cultures. For Dr. Whitsett, I selected and condensed pertinent information from audio-taped organizational interviews. Dr. Whitsett's book has not yet been submitted for publication. My research experience will be expanded during the spring, when I will be assisting Dr. Whitsett with a research endeavor on Vroom's Expectancy Theory. I will also be a teaching assistant for Dr. Whitsett's psychology research methods class. I believe I possess particular strengths that will contribute to my success in a graduate program. I am intrinsically motivated, possess a strong desire to remain "on task", and I persevere when confronted with obstacles and difficulties. Also, being a disciplined person, I have developed very useful time management skills to handle my busy work and class schedule during my undergraduate education.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Animal Farm: the Story of Animals Were Overworked, Tied and Starved Essay

The attitude you have towards work can be greatly influenced by how the person in charge runs things. This statement is true in George Orwell’s allegorical novella â€Å"Animal Farm.† The attitudes of the animals of Manor Farm (later changed to Animal Farm) change depending on who is in charge of it. Under Mr. Jones’ rule, the animals were overworked, tired and starved, and they did work only to avoid being beaten. Under the reign of Snowball and Napoleon, the animals were tired but they were well fed and happy to do work. This is because the work they did benefited themselves, rather than humans who gave nothing back to them. Finally, under Napoleon’s supremacy, the animals liked work less and less because they were tired, overworked and underfed.. So, as you can see, the person who is in control of animal farm affects the way the animals feel about work. Mr. Jones was the cruel owner of Manor Farm, later changed to Animal Farm. While he was in control he starved, overworked and beat the animals to get them to work harder so he could earn a greater profit. (QUOTE) The animals feel enraged due to the fact that Mr. Jones makes them work so hard for his own gain and then gives nothing back to them. The animals end up revolting against him, running him off the farm and claiming it for themselves. So, since Mr. Jones was such a bad ruler, the animals had a negative attitude towards him and the work he made them do. After the passing of Old Major, Napoleon and Snowball gained control of Animal Farm, formerly known as Manor Farm. Snowball had a persuasive voice, was very intelligent and was an overall good leader.Napoleon, on the otherhand, was not a great public speaker, was not as intelligent as Snowball, nor was he as good a leader. Under their govern, they ran the farm smoothly.All animals were fully fed and the work the animals put into the farm, they got back. (QUOTE) By being able to benefit themselves rather than a greedy human, the animals were glad to get down to work. So, since the animals in control ran the farm smoothly, the working animals were happy to do their work, just as long as it benefited themselves. Napoleon was a cruel, selfish and manipulative pig. He was the sole ruler of Animal Farm after he had gotten Snowball run off the farm.At first, Napoleon lead the animals into thinking that the work they did was to profit themselves. Instead, the only ones who were benefiting were the pigs. (QUOTE) It was not until later that they realized that they were overworked, starved and tired. None of what they put into their work, did they get back. Napoleon, along with taking more than his share, also had his dogs slaughter any person who could turn into a possible opponent. Lastly, Napoleon was a bad leader because he broke all the seven commandments and then tried to cover it up by having Squealer alter them. So, as you can see, due to the fact that Napoleon was such a cruel and selfish leader, the worker’s attitude’s towards work was negative. Depending on who was in govern, the animal’s attitude towards work altered. If someone cruel was in control, such as Mr.Jones or Napolen, the animals would have a negative attitude because they were being overworked,starved, and nothing benefited them. On the otherhand, if someone nice and intellingent was in power, such as Snowball, the animals were happy to go to work due to the fact that they were getting back what they put into it. So as you can see, depending on who is in control will greatly influence the way workers feel towards their jobs.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Looking Glass Self Essay

In the most basic terms the Looking Glass self is your self image which is formed by the views others hold of you. These views the people around you have can have either a positive or negative effect on your self imagine. First we picture how our personality and appearance will come off to others, and then we think about how they will judge our personality and appearance. As people around us pass judgment on who we are this is when our self-concept develops, basically who we think we are and how we feel about ourselves as a whole. These judgments’ can have a powerful effect on ones beliefs and feelings about themselves. I’ve felt and been effected by the beliefs another person has about me. When I was in the 8th grade I thought I was a wonderful student, smart, well behaved. I felt as though my teachers all thought the same way. Then one day my homeroom teacher called me stupid for missing a homework assignment. To be called out in front of the class like that was horrifying. Though that wasn’t the only time an incidence like that occurred. In the 9th grade I struggled with math. I did poorly on tests, I already lacked confidence in the subject and it took one day with a substitute teacher to shatter it completely. I will never forget the words she said to me â€Å"Why can’t you finish the test? Are you stupid? † As child of any age, those words are damaging to the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think others perceive you. â€Å"Tell a child he’s stupid enough times and eventually he’ll start believing you, claims Benj Vardigan, with the Behavioral Institute. When a child makes mistakes or doesn’t understand a concept, his knee-jerk reaction may be to conclude that he’s stupid. Take that one step further and watch a child stop trying to understand or stop trying to learn a concept because he automatically assumes he can’t figure it out. † (Hatter) In A Class Divided on of the first examples of looking glass self that I picked up on was when the children came back in from recess after fighting. Mrs. Elliot asks â€Å"What’s wrong with being called brown eyes? † and a little  boy, Roy, says â€Å"It means we’re stupider and – well, not that†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It’s immediate how the effect of this experiment took hold. These children took to heart what their teacher, Mrs. Elliot had said, that brown eyed children are less than blue eyed children, they aren’t as smart or as well behaved. In the first day of the lesson the effects on their peers perception of them had caused so much turmoil that it caused one child to hit another, clearly the negative aspect of looking glass. In the Teaching Adults section, Mrs. Elliott describes how she gave tests before during and after the lesson on discrimination. Telling the audience that the student test scores raise on the day they are on top, scores drop when they are on the bottom and after the experiment the children’s testing scores maintain a higher level. She attributed this to the children discovering how good they are. I believe instilling a positive self-imagine in a child is one of the most important things a parent, or teacher can do. â€Å"Whether self-concept is positive or negative can influence important areas of a child’s development and achievement. Educators have recognized that there is a link between self-concept and performance in school. Students with a strong self-concept tend to have good grades and take an active role in school. They are able to accept challenges and enjoy new learning experiences. Students with a negative self-concept tend to have both attitude and behavior problems. They may be unwilling to try new things, because they believe they will fail anyway, or they may not work up to their potential. Some educators feel that a positive self-concept is so important that children need to be taught to like themselves before they are taught academic skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics. † (Myers-Walls and Hinkley)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Russias Populists

Russias Populists Populist/Populism is a name retroactively given to the Russian intelligentsia who opposed the Tsarist regime and industrialization in the 1860s, ​70s, and 80s. Although the term is loose and covers a lot of different groups, overall the Populists wanted a better form of government for Russia than the existing Tsarist autocracy. They also feared the dehumanizing effects of the ​industrialization which was occurring in Western Europe, but which had so far largely left Russia alone. Russian Populism The Populists were essentially pre-Marxist socialists and believed that revolution and reform in the Russian empire must come through the peasants, who comprised 80% of the population. The Populists idealized peasants and the ‘Mir’, the Russian agricultural village, and believed that the peasant commune was the perfect basis for a socialist society, allowing Russia to skip Marx’s bourgeois and urban stage. Populists believed that industrialization would destroy the Mir, which in fact offered the best route to socialism, by forcing peasants into crowded cities. Peasants were generally illiterate, uneducated and living just above subsistence level, while the Populists were generally educated members of the upper and middle classes. You may be able to see a potential fault line between these two groups, but many Populists didnt, and it led to some nasty problems when they started Going to the People. Going to the People The Populists thus believed that it was their task to educate the peasants about revolution, and it was as patronizing as that sounds. Consequently, and inspired by an almost religious desire and belief in their powers of conversion, thousands of populists traveled to peasant villages to educate and inform them, as well as sometimes learn their ‘simple’ ways, in 1873-74. This practice became known as ‘Going to the People’, but it had no overall leadership and varied massively by location. Perhaps predictably, the peasants generally responded with suspicion, viewing the Populists as soft, interfering dreamers with no concept of real villages (accusations which werent exactly unfair, indeed, repeatedly proven), and the movement made no inroads. Indeed, in some locales, the Populists were arrested by the peasants and given to the police to be taken as far away as possible from the rural villages as possible. Terrorism Unfortunately, some Populists reacted to this disappointment by radicalizing and turning to terrorism to try and promote revolution. This had no overall effect on Russia, but terrorism thus increased in the 1870s, reaching a nadir in 1881 when a small Populist group called ‘The People’s Will’ – the ‘people’ in question numbered around 400 in total – succeeded in assassinating Tsar Alexander II. As he had shown an interest in reform, the result was a massive blow to the Populist’s morale and power and led to a Tsarist regime which became more repressive and reactionary in revenge. After this, the Populists faded away and transformed into other revolutionary groups, such as the Social Revolutionaries who would take part in the revolutions of 1917 (and be defeated by the Marxist socialists). However, some revolutionaries in Russia looked at the Populist’s terrorism with renewed interest and would adopt these methods themselves .

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

APA Referencing †How to Cite a Website (Proofed)

APA Referencing – How to Cite a Website (Proofed) APA Referencing – How to Cite a Website These days, with the World Wide Web at our fingertips, many students don’t even know what a book looks like. OK, that’s not true. It would be pretty difficult to be at college without going to the library at least occasionally. Why is it all papery? Can I adjust the brightness? The point we’re trying to make is that the internet is an increasingly valuable tool for research when writing a college paper, so knowing how to cite a website correctly is vital. In this post, we take you through the basics of citing a website using APA referencing. In-Text Citations Parenthetical citations for a website are the same as for any other source, requiring you to give the author’s surname and year of publication: APA referencing has specific rules for citing a website (Lee, 2010). Make sure to look carefully, as often the name of the author or date of publication can be tucked away somewhere. If, however, you cannot find the details required, there are alternatives. If you can’t find the name of the author, you can use a shortened version of the article title instead: The tutorial is designed for complete newcomers to APA style conventions (â€Å"The Basics of APA Style,† 2016). If you can’t find the date, you can use â€Å"n.d.† to indicate this: Proofreading helps you achieve the grade you deserve (ProofreadMyPaper, n.d.). Reference List As with any source, you should add any websites cited in your work to the reference list. The basic format for this in APA referencing is: Author (year and date). Title of document [Format description]. Retrieved from URL The â€Å"format description† part is only required if you’re citing a specific kind of document or site, such as a blog post or an online slideshow. For instance, the blog post cited in the first example above would appear in the reference list as: Lee, C. (2010, November 18). How to cite something you found on a website in APA style [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2010/11/how-to-cite-something-you-found-on-a-website-in-apa-style.html?_ga=1.106662403.1685488010.1435410218 When information is missing regarding the author or date of publication, use the same conventions as described above for citations. For instance, a page with no named author would appear as: The basics of APA style (2016). Retrieved from apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx. A page with no date of publication, meanwhile, would simply use â€Å"n.d.†: ProofreadMyPaper (n.d.). About us. Retrieved from https://getproofed.com/services/academic-proofreading

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Using Deibel Framework on UAE Demographic Imbalance Assignment

Using Deibel Framework on UAE Demographic Imbalance - Assignment Example Frank discussion mainly focuses on the demographic predicament facing the UAE. The problem of population imbalance sufficiently deals with the unintended consequences of the prospect of the country. Practical ideas mainly handle growing demographic problem and the corresponding economic development that solely perpetuates the underlying chronic demographic imbalance. UAE is a predominantly an arid land making most of its communities and member countries to be adapted to survive on either side of environmental changes. It is an exacting environment (Zachariah, Prakash & Irudaya, 2009). Most of the UAEs wildlife is under threat. For instance, in the marine environment, the habitats such as seabirds and turtles are almost driven close to extinction by several causes including insensitive development, loss of habitat, unsustainable harvesting as well as illegal persecution. There has been an environment renaissance within the UAE in the recent past. Among the agendas of the UAE, environmental awareness has been at the forefront of an obligation to the natural world, and particularly the Southern Gulf’s sensitive environment. The UAE has also come up with non-governmental environmental groups in its countries mainly for environmental protectionism. In addition, there has been the promulgation of a sophisticated environmental law including much separate legislation, and some may apply at a national level while others at individual emirate levels. The bulk of the political economy discourse on the UAE mainly focused on its underlying geostrategic significance, the corresponding factors that upset the outflow of oil and the respective governments’ dependent on the derived consumption and venture. Regarding the region’s demographic pyramid profile, takes into consideration the shifted assessment of the idiosyncrasies of the labor markets encompassing emerging strains coupled with developing levels of the structural employment. It is resulting from underlying

Thursday, October 31, 2019

European Television Channel with an American Television Essay

European Television Channel with an American Television - Essay Example are dissimilarities in how European and American advertisers see the function of the conduit, and if these outlooks are affiliated with the tactical passages to the befitting trials from the programs of the two countries. It is anticipated that the outlooks of European television will take into account outlooks conveyed by (Rantanen 2005) and other ones and display more bias for passages than their American counterparts. Study of the genuine programs should reveal more passages in an experiment of British programs. Analysis of CBF programs should display more passages by the British in four units, but for nations, more hardworking engagement / considering goods for the use of passages less often, while the reduced grade of participation / Products sentiment is anticipated to use most often. Source American European Report Programs TV: A Comparison The study of TV programs EU and the U.S. review was evolved by older advocating bureau in both nations, and then manages a content investi gation of TV programs. The reconsider displayed television more open mind-set in the direction of the conduit, and a very broad dream of the promise use of pathway between British institutions. The content investigation displayed an important boost in the conduit in America since the last study of significant connections, but less than the conduit experiment of European programs. Review of facts and numbers causes, investigation utilising Foote, Cone and Belding (FCB) has recognised several passages designing position in both nations, with the conduit most often utilised with the reduced participation of goods of Sense and least-often utilised with a high engagement / feeling and considering products. For the most part, the attitudes of heads of bureaus and contemplate the leverage of the... This paper approves that the outcomes of this study propose that advertisers in the U.S. and Europe as an entire sustain passages programs, but the British form is especially partial to its use. US-European dissimilarities are disclosed in the content investigation was verified through the programs of the television in both countries. The study displayed the main heading of British-style, a more affirmative variety of difficulties of this conduit can be accomplished and the stage of newspapers conduit that can be competently utilised, and the markets answer too many of channels. The most affirmative issue of outlook, the UK, this conduit can be utilised to help recall, comprehending and conviction is sustained by, and may be origin for U.S. advertisers to believe more broad channels. This report makes a conclusion that the study of passages in the U.S. and European TV programs review evolved structures advocating bureau in these two nations and then by carrying out a content investigation of TV programs. The outlooks of television of the bureau reflects the frequency and passages in their respective countries. This study examines one facet of British art programs and American - passages, as an authority style. Some observers contend that the British and American heritage, founded on some assumptions, which should be echoed in their programs. According to the scenario Lannon, British advertisers use gentler procedures of sale, which encompasses more passages than the hard deal, the form founded on clues, which it is superior in American programs.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Spanish Imperial Power at the end of World War I Essay

Spanish Imperial Power at the end of World War I - Essay Example By twentieth century Spain was in the full swing of economic modernisation. A national network of railroads linked Spain's cities and provincial capitals, and Spain was connected with the rest of the Europe. Because for its main lines Spain used a wider gauge track than France did, at places like Irun and Port Bou on the frontier, passengers and goods had to change their trains. Within Spain, the railroads overcame geographic barriers that had forever frustrated the development of a national economy. Steamships increased maritime commerce, both along Spain's coasts and with foreign ports. Spain exported citrus fruit, wine, olive oil, and the products of its mines, including coal and iron ore from the north and copper from the Rio Tinto. As manufacturing grew, stimulated by the spread of rails, iron ore soon headed for Spanish mills. (Pierson, 1999, p. 118) The outbreak of the First World War where on one hand resulted in the economic and social barriers like food shortages, economic dislocation and social distress, on the other hand Spain which at time considered to be the vanguard among its allies like Britain and France, experienced as much of the effects of the conflict as the other European states. Her official impartiality could hardly hide the intensity of the debate between the supporters of the Central Powers and those of the Allies, nor could it check the increasing militancy and ideological awareness produced by the impact of the war on the daily lives of the Spaniards. Having rested so far on the political apathy of most Spaniards, the Restoration system entered a period of crisis; a crisis of domination produced by the inability of the governing elites to face successfully the arrival of mass politics and its subsequent challenge to clientelism and patronage as a source of power. (Salvado, 1999, p. 5) Pierson writes, "In August 1914 most of Europe went to war. Spain did not. Held in low esteem as a military and naval power, Spain was part of no alliance system, nor was there any sentiment in Spain that it should be. What international difficulties it had with France over the establishment of a French protectorate over most of Morocco had been settled in 1913 through diplomacy". (Pierson, 1999, p. 124) Spanish Dual Attitude One of the main causes for Spain's hypocrite or neutral attitude was the weakening of her political and social recognition along with no growth in the context of economic reforms. Military was also unorganised and depicted a poor economic reserve for instability. Under such conditions Spain had no choice other than to adopt a neutral behavior towards its allies and rivals. Furthermore, the dispute in Europe was not regarded as affecting Spanish interests, while there was always the hope that by maintaining an impartial position Spain could play the leading role in organising a peace summit and therefore gain in the diplomatic field what could never be achieved on the battlefield. (Salvado, 1999, p. 6) Aftermath Economy The repercussions of the First World War on Spain were dramatic in a sense that able

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Peter Brooks The Shifting Point English Literature Essay

Peter Brooks The Shifting Point English Literature Essay Many famous and talented people, the representatives of different professions, among which are writers and singers, politicians and historians, actors and scientists, attract everybodys attention by their biographies. Of course, it is very interesting to know more about a man who has already had a great success in life and who can easily share his experience with others. Peter Brook is one of such people, who are worthy of respect and whose wise thoughts should be analyzed and discussed. I think that his book The Shifting Point is worth to be reading and analyzing because it is not just an autobiography of a talented man, a theater director and a well-known playwright and a wonderful screenwriter but also this book can be considered a so-called guide to the wonderful world of theater. My goal in this essay is to discuss Peter Brooks book The Shifting Point and to prove the fact that this literary work deserves attention of all the people who are not indifferent to theater as a form o f art. That is why I decided to organize my paper into several sections which will help to develop the theme. It is known that Peter Brook was born in London. His father, a Russian scientist, who came to Great Britain searching for the better life, was not a well-to-do man, nevertheless, Peter Brook got a good education. He studied at Westminster College, later at Oxford University where he was noticed as an active member of the amateur theater. His first amateur work on Jean Cocteaus play La Machine Infernale attracted attention of the famous playwright Barry Jackson who offered twenty-years-old Brook to put a rather difficult play Man and Superman written by Bernard Show on the stage of Birmingham repertory theater. According to Peter Brooks words, he always hung upon his feelings and the sixth sense in his work. It always helped him to be the first on the stage and in life. Brook was 21 when he was invited to Shakespeare Memorial Theater to produce Shakespearian plays. This unforgettable cycle of plays made him famous. Romeo and Juliet (1947) was a real sensation. It even set off a lively argument among the English theater critics. For the first time in his work Brook used the idea of empty space getting rid of many decorations. As a matter of fact, he was known for brave innovations on the stage and new styles of his productions. May be, his book The Shifting Point which was written in 1988, after about forty years of experience as a theater playwright, an opera playwright and a film producer has the main goal to represent Peter Brooks ideas and thoughts concerning William Shakespeares plays. There were a great deal of other plays, operas and films where Peter Brook showed his talent of a playwright and screenwriter. Among them are the following plays: King Lear (1962) Measure for Measure (1950) The Winters Tale (1952) Titus Andronicus (1958) Marat/Sade (1964) A Midsummer Nights Dream (1970) The full title of this book is The Shifting Point: Theater. Film. Opera. 1946-1987. It is quite obvious why Peter Brook decided to give his book such a long title. He wanted to show that he had the greatest experience in the sphere of the drama and film production. Forty years is quite a long period to become an expert whose innovations were highly appreciated. The book consists of numerous witty essays which include not only some commentaries concerning both the classic theater and the avant-garde theater but also different anecdotes which are connected with opera and film work. Besides, the book The Shifting Point touches upon the theme of Shakespeares plays. The author gives series of thorough explorations of Shakespeares plays. Peter Brook is well-known as the leading director of his generation who uses his own theater techniques and innovations. Some critics even call him a genius of our times. That is true. Everybody will agree with this statement after reading his book The Shi fting Point. Now Id like to turn to the contents of the book. There are nine chapters (or parts) in the book The Shifting Point: A Sense of Direction People on the Way a Flashback Provocations What is a Shakespeare? The World as a Can Opener Filling the Empty Space The Forty Years War Flickers of Life Entering Another World Part I The First Part A Sense of Direction. There are six essays in this part. The Formless Hunch is a rather interesting essay where Brook tells us about the way he usually organizes his work on play, the process of preparation his play for the stage: costumes, color, his rehearsal work. The Stereoscopic Vision is another essay from the first part. Here the author continues his discussion concerning the role of director in the theater. For him being a director is taking charge, making decisions, as well as saying the last word. There is Only One Stage is the title of the next essay. Here Brook tells about the great misunderstanding which takes place in the present-day theater. Brook compares the work of director with a potter who molds his pot and then sends it into the world. It is a misunderstanding. Brook states that the process consists of two phases: First: preparation. Second: birth. Misunderstandings is another essay which continues the theme of work in the theater. Here Brook tells how he came to a famous producer and said to him: I want to direct films. Brook was 20 at that time and had already directed an amateur film A Sentimental Journey. Of course, he was too young to direct films. Brook prepared his script as for a film. The first scene in this play was a dialogue between two soldiers. Brook did not know how a professional rehearsal starts. I Try to Answer a Letter is a small letter written by Brook to Mr.Howe, telling about how to become a director. He said that all the directors in the theater are self-appointed and one can become a director by calling himself a director and bringing other people to believe in it. He advices to be active and not to waste time in achieving the goal. A World in Relief, the last essay in the first part of the book, continues Brooks discussion about directing. Here he again repeats all the duties of a director in the theater. He speaks about a special directors language where an actor is only a noun, but an important one. He pays attention to the phenomenon akin to holography in the theater. Brook speaks about the golden rule which says that any actor must remember that the play is greater that himself. Part II The second part is People on the Way A Flashback. It contains nine essays. The first one is Gordon Graig. This essay tells how Brook met Gordon Graig, a person whose life is closely connected with the theater. He is an actor but many years ago he gave up this profession and began to direct a tiny number of productions. Before the First World War, he staged his last production. Now he is 84. He lives in pension de famille in the South of France. His life story is an interesting one. The Beck Connection is one more Brooks essay which tells about Julian Beck and Judith Malinas production of Jack Gelbers play The Connection. Here Brook touches upon the theme of different forms of theater, the meaning of the the term lying in relation to the theater and cinema. Happy Sam Beckett, the next essay of the second chapter. Here the author writes about the new Beckett play Happy Days which impressed him greatly by its objectivity. Bouncing, another essay represents Brooks point of view concerning the routine work in the theater. He says that it is useless to make plans. He compares all the theater staff with ping-pong balls bouncing off the net of events. In this essay Brook touches upon his play The Balcony which was postponed due to some circumstances, he recalls Marilyn Monroe who came to the rehearsal of his play View from the Bridge without Brooks permission and criticized his actress Mary Ure. Grotowski is the title of the other Brooks essay included into the second part of The Shifting Point. In this essay Brook shows his relation to Grotowski who is known for his investigation the nature of acting, its phenomenon, its meaning, the nature and science of the processes including mental, physical, emotional points. Artaud and the Great Puzzle. In this essay Brook continues his story about Grotowskis skills and experimental works in theater. Brook and Grotowski had a lot of common ideas but their paths were different. How Many Trees Make a Forest? This essay with such an unusual title tells about Brooks first meeting with Brecht. He compares Brecht, Graig and Stanislavski and decides how many decorations must be put on the stage to make a forest. It Happened in Poland. In this essay Brook tells about his friend Jan Kott whom he met in a nightclub of Warsaw. He was a Professor of Drama and was known for his writings about Shakespeare. Peter Weisss Kick. In this essay Brook discusses the problems of theater, finds the answer to the question concerning the difference between a poor play and a good play and gets acquainted with Peter Weiss works. Part III In the third part of the book which has the title Provocations. Cruelty, Madness and War, you can find five essays by Peter Brook. The first one, Manifesto for the Sixties, is represented by a number of quotes which are worth thinking of. For example, Culture has never done anyone any good whatsoever. No work of art has yet made a better man. The Theater of Cruelty. This essay tells about Brooks work with a group of actors who presented some theater experiments in public. He states that national theater, musical comedy and experimental theater are the main parts of the healthy theater. U.S. Means You. U.S. Means US. In this essay Brook gives explanations concerning the fact that The Royal Shakespeare Theater used public money to stage a play about Americans at War in Vietnam. A great deal of contradictory reactions appeared in connection with this. Twenty five actors together with the team of authors investigated the situation in Vietnam. Brook and his partners were against the idea to use the theater as a television documentary, as lecture hall, as vehicle for propaganda. The Theater Cant Be Pure is another essay which explains the difference between words true, real, natural in relation to the theater. Here Brooks compares theater with the stomach where food metamorphoses into two equalities: excrement and dreams. A Lost Art. In this essay Brook argues on the issue of acting. He took Senecas play Oedipus where there is no external action and he calls this theater liberated from scenery, free from costume, stage moves and gestures. In this essay Brook represents his ideas concerning the actors nature and the psychological aspect in acting. Part IV Shakespeare isnt a bore. Shakespeare has an incredible dramatic quality of the plays. Romeo and Juliet is described as a love story, which is sentimental, also includes violence, intrigues and excitement. An open letter to Shakespeare, or, as I dont like ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Most of the plays of Shakespeare are miraculous, except As you like it. But despite that, the public loves them all. What is a Shakespeare? Not much is understood about Shakespeare, as he is different in kind. The two ages of Gielgudà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ John Gielguds reputation inspired love and awe, and each actor was thrilled to be there. The author says that John I unique and that he is always in the present. He is also traditional, for his passionate sense of quality comes from his understanding of the past. Shakespearean realism. For centuries our practical understanding of Shakespeare has been blocked by the false notion that Shakespeare was a writer of far-fetched plots which he decorated with genius. Lear- Can it be staged? The author doubts that there is any designer that has patience to work with him. Exploding stars. Within the galaxy of plays there are plays that move closer to us at certain moments in the history and some that move away. Points of radianceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ When I started work on Shakespeare, I did believe to a limited extent in the possibility of a classical word music, that each verse had a sound that was correct, with only moderate variations. Shakespeare is a piece of coal. The author is interested in the present. History is a way of looking at things, but not one that interests me very much. Shakespeare does not belong to the past. The play is the message. Considering the theme of a Midsummer Nights Dream, at the center of a Dream there is the love. This theme touches all men. Part V The international centre. People do research. The purpose is to be instruments that transmit truths which otherwise would remain out of sight. Structures of sound. The theme of the first years work of the International Centre of Theatre Research was to be a study of structures of sounds. The theatre tries to reflect the real world. Life in a more concentrated form. The effect is rather intense if the group of actors includes people with different backgrounds. With an international company, a deep understanding can be touched between people who seem to have nothing in common. Brooks Africa. An Interview by Michael Gibson. As a result, nothing had a better effect on the actors than the stillness of the African audiences. It is very natural to most Africans not to manifest. Te world as a can opener. Everyone can respond to the music and dances of many races other than his own. For the actors the power of myths can be as a challenge. Understanding through identification is normal in the theatre. An aborigine, I presume. A lot of gesticulating and interpreters help in telling the stories. The story describes people who live in their countries and do not fully know them. Part VI Space as a tool. Author thinks that the theatre is based on a particular human characteristic, which is the need at times to be in a new and intimate relationship with ones fellow men. Les bouffes du nord. The author describes that his stroke of luck was having Micheline as a partner it was her brilliance and originality of vision that enabled us year after year to cross the tightrope of survival. The conference of the birds. The illusions have less body, because they havent got the ferocious attachment to the very forces that make the illusions in life so impossible to break. Butter and the knife describes the specifics of the theatre, the possibility to have butter and knife by other means, the Ubu Roi, the plays The Bone and The Conference of the Birds. The Cherry Orchard describes the work of Chekhov, and the author says that in Chekhovs work death is omnipresent, as he knew it well. The Mahabharata describes the difficulties in the traditional theatre from the East, which is admired even without understanding. Dharma is something that can not be answered and the only thing that can be said about it is that it is the essential motor. The Goddess and the Jeep. There is a decline and fall of religious theatre described in The Goddess and the Jeep. Part VII The art of noise describes the Opera and people making noise when they came out of their caves. Eugene Onegin. Here is described the theatrical weakness of the work the last scene. The work also demands realistic style of staging. Carmen describes the interview with Philippe Albera after the opening of La Tragedie de Carmen at the Bouffes du Nord in November 1981. The taste of style is about the facts and symbols of our time. As well, the style is described, along with the peculiarities of the theatre. Part VIII Filming a play describes cases and peculiarities of filming the plays. As well, the principles of television and filmic equivalents are described. The reality of the image gives to film its power and its limitation. Lord of the flies described the Goldings book, which is a history of man. My experience showed me that the only falsification in Goldings fable is the length of time the descent to savagery takes. Moderato Cantabile describes the story written by Marguerite Duras and about the idea of making it into a film. Filming King Lear. There were efforts to evolve an impressionistic movie technique, cutting language and incident to the bone, so that the total effect of all the things heard and seen could capture in different terms Shakespeares rough, uneven, jagged and disconcerting vision. Tell me lies is a feature film based on the Royal Shakespeare Company production of US. Meetings with remarkable men is not totally truthful story, sometimes accurate, sometimes not, sometimes in and sometimes out of life, like a legend. Part IX The mask- coming out of our shell- is a story about masks. What is the mask doing: the thing you are most afraid of losing, you lose right away your ordinary defenses, your ordinary expressions, your ordinary face that you hide behind. People are imprisoned and there is a capacity to open eyes wider and raise the eyebrows higher than people done ever before. The essential radiance it describes the theatres that exist at the precise moment when these two worlds that of the actors and that of the audience meet: a society in miniature, a microcosm brought together every evening within a space. The culture of links is all about the cultural peculiarities. Fragmentation of the world deals with the discovery of relationships, and there are certain aspects that are imprisoned in the culture. Conclusion In conclusion of my essay I should say that Peter Brooks book The Shifting Point can be the guide to the world of art because the author gives too many ideas and explanations concerning theater, opera, film production as well as his own understanding of the outer world. We learn about his feelings, emotions, achievements, and failures. All critics have a considerable respect for Peter Brook. Now he is 85 but he is full of energy. He continues his writing and his new books impress his readers.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Of Mice And Men :: John Steinbeck

"Ain’t No Good to Himself nor Anybody Else" â€Å"You seen what they did to my dog tonight? They says he wasn’t no good to himself nor anybody else. I wish somebody’d shoot me when I ain’t no good no more.†(60) Candy spoke these words implying that death is better than being no good to himself or anybody else. The same is true for Lennie. Lennie wasn’t good for himself because he couldn’t survive on his own. He can’t stay out of trouble and without George he would have been dead a long time ago. He’s no good to others because he doesn’t now his own strength and can’t control himself. He had murdered a woman because of his curiosity and his self-uncontrollability. â€Å"I ought to of shot that dog myself, George I shouldn’t ought let no stranger shoot my dog.†(61) As Candy said he had the choice of saving his dog from himself and others. So did George but unlike the regretful Candy, George made the right decision in saving Lennie from himself and others. Candy’s dog was no good to itself and was going to be shot by strangers. It would have been better for Candy to shoot him himself. It would have been better for Candy’s dog to be saved from himself by a friend than by a stranger. George was in the right by ending Lennie’s life himself. There was no stopping the inevitable. The workers would have gotten the dog killed any way they could. The same is true for George. Curly and the workers no matter what would have killed Lennie. George could not stop them from killing Lennie. He could only save Lennie from the fear and loneliness he would feel if a stranger killed him. Who knows what they might have done to Lennie if George wouldn’t have saved him from them? They might have shot him in a place where he would have died slowly or they might have hung him or a combination of both and he would have died alone and afraid. In discussing the guilt of George you have to consider the time setting of this novel. It was set in the 1930’s. The reason you must consider the time setting is because things change with time. What may have been allowed then may not have been allowed now. What happened then may not have happened now.